Kemi Hietapankki Marina is known for its friendly atmosphere and quality service. The facilities include secure moorings, electrical hook-ups, restrooms, and showers. In addition, the port staff is always available to assist you and cater to your needs.
In addition to its excellent facilities,
Kemi Hietapankki Marina is surrounded by charming shops and restaurants, making it an ideal place to stay for boaters. You can also enjoy the many outdoor activities offered in the area, such as fishing, hiking, and biking.
As for land transportation, the port is well-served by public transport, making it easy to get around the region. Furthermore, if you wish to explore the surrounding area further, car rental is also available.
The Kemi-Tornio region offers a unique blend of pristine nature and Finnish culture. With its vast forests, glistening lakes, and picturesque villages, it is the perfect destination for a boating getaway. Don't wait any longer to discover the beauty of the region and enjoy the warm hospitality of
Kemi Hietapankki Marina.