Stauertwedt Marina has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Quality amenities, security services, and attentive staff are available to cater to all your needs. Moreover, you can enjoy the natural beauty of the region and the proximity of shops and restaurants to enhance your stay.
Whether you are an experienced sailor or a novice, you will find your happiness at
Stauertwedt Marina. The facilities are designed to offer maximum comfort and convenience, with spacious and well-maintained mooring spaces. Additionally, the direct environment of the marina is conducive to relaxation and conviviality, making it an ideal resort for families and groups of friends.
Furthermore, the region of
Schleswig-Holstein is rich in historical and cultural sites to discover. Land excursions can easily be organized from the marina, with convenient transportation options to explore the surroundings. Whether for a weekend getaway or a longer stay,
Stauertwedt Marina provides an ideal base to discover all that the region has to offer.